Letter to the Next President

Dear Mr. President,

Some things to do in your first couple of months:

  1. Call the Governors in for a Round Table Discussion:
    1. End Militarization of Local Police Forces.
    2. End Drone Flights Over US.
  2. Call a Full Session of Congress:
    1. Whip Their Asses into Shape re: Running the Country, not Their Own Personal Beliefs.
    2. Passing Wall Street Regulation.
    3. Passing Real Energy Reform.
    4. Passing Real Economic Recovery Steps. (Look to the Great Depression for ideas. Those actually worked.)
  3. Address the Nation re: Market Forces & Fuel Prices.
  4. Prosecute & Break Up the “Too Big to Fail” Corporations.
  5. Equal Rights Amendment for LGBT.

The US is a country which has led the world in every endeavor. Make it so again.

